Jim Albert, Co-Founder Neptune Flood Insurance

Jim Albert, Co-Founder Neptune Flood Insurance

Jim Albert, chairman and co-founder of Neptune Flood Insurance, talks about Neptune, podcasting, using API, the power of AI as a multiplier in the insurance industry, insurance programs and capacity, the benefit of insurance surplus products, and the challenges and opportunities in serving people a private flood insurance policy.

“90% of the people that are at risk, don’t have any [flood] insurance at all.”

Jeff McCann, CEO & Founder of APOLLO

Jeff McCann, CEO & Founder of APOLLO

In this episode, Jeff McCann, CEO and Founder of APOLLO, and Gilad Shai talk about APOLLO, an online insurance company based out of Vancouver, Canada, merch, Jeff's vision, investors, and Good to Great.

our focus is really underwriting a really good business and proving that the algorithms we create can actually price and underwrite good loss ratios